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Quotes for the month

Hellooooo ! Today’s post is about = “MY FAVOURITE QUOTES FOR THE MONTH”

The Most Motivational Poster Ever – 400contacts

Did you understand what it says ? If no then ~
* If you work just 1% more (1.01) for the whole year (^365) then your result will be 37 times stronger
But if you work 1% less ( 0.99) for the whole year (^365) then your result will be 1260 times weaker !!!

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.”–  Jimmy Johnson - Take The Right Decision

Meaning = We all prefer to be not linked with the ordinary and rather be seen as the one who is extraordinary. It is a question that we need to ask ourselves today then, ‘have we really put in that extra effort that would make us the latter?’ People become extraordinary when they give up the desire to take up a shortcut every time and instead put in the actual required extra effort.

cropped-Everybody-is-a-genius.-But-if-you-judge-a-fish-by-its-ability-to- climb-a-tree-it-will-live-its-whole-life-believing-that-it-is-stupid.”-Albert-Einstein.png  – The Power of Talents

Meaning = It is a fact acknowledged indefinitely that it is not possible for all to have a potential of similar nature. Different upbringing, culture, environment comes together to facilitate the ability of an individual thereby making him realize his self-worth. You cannot uproot an individual from his zone of excellence and rather test him on an absolutely different zone. That would not only be undermining but also overlooking the genius hidden in her/him.

Charles Bukowski Quote: “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible  lives they must lead.”

Meaning = Life is meant to be a platform to experiment. You cannot and should not remain in your cocoon of comfort zone. It is only in that experimentation you realize what you are worthy of. You would then become ecstatic, ecstatic by coming a step closer to the meaning of life. It is that ecstasy that would madden you and it will be totally worth it.

Milton Berle Quote: “If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.”

Meaning = Sitting and waiting for an opportunity to be served on a silver plate would bring you no good. The only thing that you would derive out of it would be a huge waste of your time and abilities. Rather stop whining over the absence of that much-awaited chance and take matters into your hand. Remember luck doesn’t make us rather we make our own luck.

I hope these quotes make your day !!

STAY home, STAY safe, STAY healthy, STAY happy and STAY tuned for more amazing posts 💛✨

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